Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Something I Know Something About: Tex-Mex Food

What is It?: Delicious. End of Story. Actually, it's a distinct subsection of American food with heavy Mexican influences and includes staples such as tacos, enchiladas, burritos, tamales and a few other standards - most of them not found at your local Taco Bell.

Is it Awesome?: Duh.

Random Fact: Cumin, a staple in Tex Mex seasonings, is not original to Mexican cuisine. Oregano, a staple in Mexican cooking, is not terribly common in Tex Mex cuisine.

Commentary: All I can say is that: Dude, it's awesome. Particularly so if you get it in south or central Texas - anything else is like watching Bjork carry a tune.

Tex Mex tends to be a more versatile subsection of American cuisine, allowing some more variety than you might find in say traditional, Paula Deen southern cooking. Sauces can be altered, recipes can be tweeked, ingredients can be substituted. It can become whatever it needs to be in a matter of minutes - particularly tamales (pronounced with a hard t). And it's hard to screw up so long as it's cooked long enough.

Quick Reference Guide for What Things Means:

Tacos: A kind of base of Tex Mex, tacos are generally made with flour or corn tortillas and meat filling
Burritos: A wrapped kind of taco with everything enclosed in the tortilla
Enchiladas: Burritos with sauce served on top (like an open faced sandwich)
Chimmichangas: Fried burritos
Tamales: A combination of masa (a corn product) and some sort of savory filling (usually cheese, meat or both) bound by a corn husk and steamed to heat (don't eat the husk)

Will I Do It Again?: So long as I live and breathe.

Name Something Related To Learn Something About: Ranches.

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