Monday, January 11, 2010

New Blog Format (Plus Some Neat Stuff About Leonardo Da Vinci)

So, I deliberated today on my long-haul back from school about how I would like to do the new blog. So far, I'd already said that I'd try to learn one new skill set a year, go to one unusual event per month and do one out-of-routine thing a week. Well, I'd like to add these:

- One book on some subject I don't know about as suggested by readers per month
- One other random item, event or other thing as suggested by readers per month

So, bring on your suggestions, comment below. I'll select a winner randomly each month.


And for everyone's entertainment: random shit about Leonardo Da Vinci, the original renaissance man.
  • He lived for 67 years, an astoundingly long time during that time period.
  • While he was an engineer, musician, scientist, sculptor, mathematician, anatomist and geologist (amongst other things), he is most renown as a painter and more specifically for the Mona Lisa.
  • Only about 15 of his paintings still survive, mostly because he had a habit of burning things down or just not finishing them (note to self: don't burn things down).
  • Despite the mystery surrounding him, Da Vinci saw the world as logical and not mysterious.
  • In addition to all of his other random accomplishments, he also outlined basic sketches of a helicopter, solar panel and even plate tectonics.
  • Dude's ridiculous in other words.

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